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Base URL

What is Comentario’s base URL

The base URL is the root URL Comentario is available at. It must be set correctly in order for your setup to work.

The value of base URL is provided during the server startup via the command line option --base-url= or the equivalent environment variable.

It must include:

  • Scheme (usually https://);
  • Fully-qualified domain name;
  • Port number, if it has a non-standard value;
  • Full path to Comentario, unless Comentario is available at the root of the site.

For example:

You can check if the path is correct by opening the URL <your base URL>/comentario.js: if the setup is correct, you should get an obfuscated Javascript file. You can further verify its correctness by looking up the following string inside that file:

this.origin="<your base URL>"

Resources and REST API

The base URL will be inserted into the embeddable script (comentario.js), as shown above, for fetching other resources (such as messages and styles).

It’s also used by the frontends to make REST API calls.