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Comentario Helm chart parameter description
Comentario Helm chart provides the following configuration parameters.
Name | Description | Value |
replicaCount | Number of desired pods. NB: Comentario doesn’t support upscaling to more than 1 pod at the moment | 1 |
image.repository | Docker image registry to download Comentario image from | |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | Always |
image.tag | Image tag to use: a specific release tag, latest for latest released version, or edge for latest development build | latest |
imagePullSecrets | Docker image registry secret names as an array | [] |
nameOverride | Override for the instance name | |
fullnameOverride | Override for full name, which is used to create all Kubernetes objects | |
serviceAccount.create | Whether a service account should be created | true |
serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account as an object | {} | | Name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true , a name is generated using the fullname template | |
podAnnotations | Additional pod annotation as an object | {} |
podSecurityContext | Pod security context configuration | {} |
securityContext | Security context configuration | {} |
service.type | Type of the service object | ClusterIP |
service.port | Service port | 80 |
ingress.enabled | Whether to create ingress objects | true | | Host to install an ingress rule for | |
clusterIssuer | Name of ClusterIssuer to use | letsencrypt-staging |
comentario.args | Command-line arguments to the comentario command | ["--host=", "--port=80", "-v"] |
comentario.baseDocsUrl | Base documentation URL | |
comentario.tosUrl | URL of the Terms of Service page | <comentario.baseDocsUrl>/en/legal/tos/ |
comentario.privacyPolicyUrl | URL of the Privacy Policy page | <comentario.baseDocsUrl>/en/legal/privacy/ |
comentario.homeContentURL | URL of a HTML page to display on homepage | |
comentario.emailFrom | ‘From’ address in sent emails | |
comentario.secretName | Name of the Secret object containing Comentario secrets | comentario-secrets |
comentario.superuser | UUID or email of a user to become a superuser | |
comentario.logFullIPs | Whether to log IP addresses in full | false |
comentario.liveUpdate.enabled | Whether Live update is enabled | true |
comentario.liveUpdate.maxClients | Maximum number of Live update WebSocket clients | 10000 |
resources.limits | Pod resources limit configuration | {cpu: 500m, memory: 200Mi} |
resources.requests | Pod resources request configuration | |
autoscaling.enabled | Whether horizontal autoscaling is enabled. NB: Comentario doesn’t support upscaling to more than 1 pod at the moment | false |
nodeSelector | Node selector configuration | {} |
tolerations | Pod tolerations configuration as an array | [] |
affinity | Pod scheduling constraints configuration | {} |