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Administration UI

Features of the Administration UI

The Administration UI is an extensive web application that allows users to perform all kinds of administrative tasks, moderate comments, view statistics, etc.

There’s also the Profile section, where users can edit their profile, change their password, upload a custom avatar (or use a Gravatar). It also allows users to delete their account.

The functionality available in the Administration UI depends on user roles and includes:

  • Managing domain settings:
    • Authentication (commenting without registration, social login, SSO)
    • Moderation (which comments are to be queued for moderation)
    • Extensions capable of spam and toxicity detection
    • Domain user management
  • Import from Disqus, WordPress, Commento
  • Comment moderation
  • Email notifications
  • View and comment statistics
  • Various domain operations (data export, comment removal, freezing, etc)